We at Digitbitz cover many tech related and informational posts where we often mention products or services with which we have affiliate-provider relationship and we may earn commission if you buy through those specific links. The commission we receive helps us test more products and services and bring the best content in front of you. Moreover, there are also many pages where we have recommended and suggested products and services without any monetary benefits.
Having disclosed our affiliate-provider relationship, we however would like to mention that our reviewers / writers / journalists at Digitbitz aren’t influenced by any providers or their affiliate earnings. Our reviews, guides and the information we share is published through extensive research and our unbiased approach towards the product / service / news in discussion.
We have separate editorial and marketing teams and both departments operate independently and rest assured that we would not let our relationship with any affiliates affect our review processes or the information we share with you. We keep things fair, clear and transparent and are a firm believer of the motto: “Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”